Today marks my 44th birthday…YIKES…LOL

Quite honestly, I’ve embraced getting older over the last ten years and surprisingly, have enjoyed my 40’s much more than when I was in my 20’s. At the beginning of 2021, I knew I wanted to go into this birthday with ease, confidence and joy. I wanted to feel good physically, spiritually, and mentally.

As the week’s approached to today, I began to reflect on where I was at 20 years ago…

I lived in South Florida for 2 years, but was extremely lost. I struggled (hard) those first few years; heck…who am I kidding…more like all of my 20’s! From relationships, work, finances and just who I was as a person, there were more moments of sadness and uncertainty, than times of boldness and zest.

As I strive to continue this journey to becoming the woman I’ve always wanted to be, I have a few pieces of advice I wish I could go back to tell my 24-year-old self:

Everything happens for a reason.
Trust the process. When I say trust the process, I also mean that things will ultimately happen. But not right away. It’s a process. A flower doesn’t become a flower right away. It has to go through many stages. Just go through all the stages without questioning too much. What you have to question is the what and the how. Not the when. Take your time and your life will unfold, as it should, when the Universe feels the timing is right. Life’s journey will take you through several hills and valleys, you’ll make mistakes, and try new things. Seize every opportunity. Worst case scenario…you’ll experience teachable moments, learn new things, become stronger for it, and make a life-changing discovery.

Stay open to change.
You can plan ahead but your plan will definitely change when the time comes. Don’t be afraid to get lost. You will be…several times. That’s the hardest, but best part. You need to get lost to find your path again. Not someone else’s. Yours. Being lost is the foundation for new things.

Trust your instinct. Your intuition. It knows.

Take a leap of faith in yourself
Expand yourself, even if you are sure where you are going. Learn something totally unrelated to your passion. Visit a place you wouldn’t normally go. A flexible mind and attitude will take you very far and allow yourself to handle the uncertainties in life. You have untapped potential, and you will accomplish everything you have dreamed about. No one has the right to tell you can’t do something great in your life. Don’t allow them to justify their mediocre lives by destroying your dreams.

Be Kind to Yourself
Be as kind and gentle with yourself as possible. Be proud of how far you’ve come and grateful for all the good things you have in your life. Focus on the good instead of the bad. Keep playing, laughing and having fun, don’t get too serious! Always know your worth.

Three words: It. Gets. Better.
Trust me. Just be patient, keep doing your best and know that your best days have yet to come. Don’t put off being happy. Don’t be the person that says, “I’ll be happy when…” Happiness is only found in the present. Now…TODAY! Find some happiness in the journey of life—don’t think about the destination.


