On March 20, 2021 the Northern Hemisphere will welcome spring with the arrival of the vernal equinox. Spring Equinox 2021 will be at 10:37 AM (CET), in Northern Europe, and 5:37 AM (EDT) on the east coast of North America.

Vernal meaning “of the spring”, “new” and “fresh,” and equinox derived from the Latin aequus meaning equal and not meaning night. The spring equinox marks the shift of the seasons, the start of the astrological calendar, and the first day of fiery Aries, igniting us with passion to plant seeds and reemerge after the dark of Winter. This is a sweet moment of balance where light and dark are in equanimity.

Ostara is another name for the Spring Equinox. She is the Goddess of fertility, dawn and Spring. Ostara is the archetypal maiden, fresh, vibrant and pure. We can call on her to increase fruitfulness, fertility and embark on new ventures. 

Ritual is a way to bring sacredness into our day to day lives. Here are some ways to Celebrate Spring, the fertility of the land, and our souls, and invite a little (or big) dose of magic into our experience.

Create an Altar


Place stones, crystals, candles for fire, feathers for the air element, a bowl of salt water, and flowers or plants on your altar

Making an altar is a beautiful way to honor and call in the divine. This can be done either inside or outside. Inside, place a beautiful fabric where you would like your altar. Then you can think of the elements; wood, earth, fire, water, air as you connect with your creativity to create a beautiful altar for Spring. Flowers and plants are great for representing new growth and blooms.

Outside, you can create a border by gathering sticks or stones, then gather anything that speaks to you, You would be surprised by how abundant nature is in providing you elements for your altar. You can also bring crystals or other sacred objects from inside. There are no rules. Let your inner child create magic.

108 is Great

Practicing 108 sun salutations is a tradition to mark the changing of the seasons. 108 is an auspicious number in many spiritual traditions. I personally love this practice and find it so empowering and invigorating. If 108 sounds like a lot, pick a smaller number like your age, or a number that is sacred to you.


Spring Equinox

Join me on March 20th for this stimulating practice of 108 Sun Salutations to leave you exhilarated and awakened.

Skip the physical practice altogether and make yourself a mala necklace with 108 beads or a mala bracelet. Creating Malas is very meditative in itself, but these were originally intended to count mantras in meditation.


Spring cleaning isn’t just for the house. Although it’s always a good idea to clear stagnant energy and make space for new by taking a trip to the goodwill. We can clean our cars and create a cleanse for our bodies.

Open your windows and cleanse your house by smudging with sage or palo santo. Smudging is a common practice to purify energy of a space, or even yourself.

Check out last week’s blog below to guide you through a few easy steps to freshen up your home for the new season.

spring cleaning.png


6 Easy Steps to Spring Cleaning

We can use this equinox as a reason to clean out our cars. Who’s in?!

Create a gentle juice cleanse for your body or even a fast. Fasting and cleansing have numerous health as well as spiritual benefits, including: reducing inflammation, better blood sugar control, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, boosts brain function, extending longevity to name a few. Of course, listen to your body and consult a professional before engaging in any fast or cleanse.

Get Outdoors

Wake up with the sun! Go for a walk, take a hike, explore the beach, or ride a bike. Even better, take off your shoes and ground while you’re at it. There is extensive research on the health benefits of connecting to the Earth, commonly referred to as “Earthing.” We absorb negative ions from the Earth that neutralize free radicals which lead to disease and inflammation in the body.


Thirty minutes is recommended but even a few minutes of being barefoot on the Earth makes me feel like I can breathe deeper. Give it a try and feel the effects on your energy and stress level.

Choose rituals that resonate with you or create your own. Either way, life is to be celebrated. Let’s take a moment to honor and appreciate, the life-giving Sun, longer days, and continual rebirth of ourselves.


