Good-Bye 2020…Hello 2021!

Twenty-twenty was a year for the history books…

At the turn of the new decade, we lost NBA basketball legend, Kobe Bryant & his daughter, in a tragic helicopter crash. Unfortunately, that loss was soon overshadowed by a worldwide pandemic affecting countries, economies, businesses, essential workforces and families.

Countries, states and cities shut-down all over the world for the first time resulting in business and school closures, quarantine and isolation for weeks and in some cases for months. The loss of lives. The inability to share holidays, birthdays and celebrations with families and loved ones. The “new normal” became a constant reminder that life as we knew may never be the same.

A new era where mask-wearing and facial-coverings are now an essential part of one’s wardrobe. Hand-shaking and hugs upon greetings are now socially unacceptable. Hand-washing and sanitizing occurs more frequently than ever. Social and physical distancing is now our new way of life.

Not too mention the countless protest events, numerous cities burned due to rioting and a presidential election that has left some Americans baffled, while others seem hopeful.

None of us can predict what 2021 has planned for us. Some may seem optimistic while many others are discouraged and unsure. My thoughts and prayers goes out to all. Whether you lost a family member, friend or loved one. A job, a business, your home. Or even if you just downright lost your “marbles” throughout the craziness and uncertainty of the year…my hopes are for all of us to come out the other side stronger and better than ever before.

Much love and nothing but positive vibes,

