
With the middle of January closely approaching, those of you who set New Year’s Resolutions, are you still working towards those goals or have you already thrown in the towel? For your sake I hope it’s not the latter. However, if you have found yourself struggling 2 weeks into this new year, I hope these 3 tips can help you rekindle that initial motivation.

  1. Consciousness has to change first.
    Our thoughts and mindset are very powerful things. If we keep our mindset in a positive flow, the shifts in the other areas of our life will seem to start to fall into place. If you automatically consider yourself a failure for either missing a workout or eating that slice of pizza that wasn’t on your diet, this is where the mindset shift needs to happen. We all have moments of weakness (we are human) but what makes us stronger and better is how we can recover from a setback. Instead of thinking as if all is lost, look for the next opportunity to make it better: the next day or even the next hour.

  2. Treat goals as a marathon not a sprint.
    We are in a culture and society where we want everything like “yesterday” and seek for instant gratification. Even though “goals” are great and we need them to lead us into a specific direction, they are results-driven. We then become hyper-focused on the end result only and if we don’t reach the destination of our goal, we tend to feel like we’ve failed. Plus, we often forget to enjoy the journey and/or to establish a “system” to actually get us from point A to Z. Flourish in each of the smaller steps/habits you do from day-to-day that help move the needle closer to your desired result.

  3. Remember your WHY behind your goal.
    Regardless of your goal, there needs to be a bigger reason why you want to achieve it. Example: I want to lose 20 pounds. WHY do you want to lose the weight? Is it to gain confidence. Gain the energy to play with your kids or grandkids. Lower your blood pressure. Make sense…when you have a bigger ‘why’ to your goal, you’re likely to stick with the process.

“Your commitment to the process
will determine your progress.”
Atomic Habits by James Clear

Keep pushing forward. Greatness awaits you.


